Why did I name it "SingingTechniques INT"?
My forte has always been teaching singing techniques (I especially love teaching total beginners from scratch, and polishing experienced singers to their best form!).
But it's not just about techniques, though they give you the fundamentals for your singing instrument.
It is also about your relationship with yourself, and your singing instrument:
I = Introspection
Singing requires a lot of introspection. Are you paying attention to your own feelings and thoughts? Are you paying enough attention to how your body feels? Singing requires a super high body awareness, and it is hence no surprise that people with a high body awareness find it much easier to learn and master singing, because they can adjust their body to do what the singing requires, faster.
It can be simple thoughts like, "Am i breathing correctly?", "Was I supporting for that phrase that I sang?", "Was my vocal placement high enough?, "What can I do better next?", etc.
N = Nurture
People are almost always surprised by how disciplined (or deprived, depending on your perspective) singers need to be in order to upkeep their singing instruments, that is essentially their own body and health.
If our body, AND our health, is our singing instrument, are we keeping ourselves active to get a better breath going?
Are we stretching and exercising enough?
Are we sleeping enough, and well? (since there is a crucial relationship between sleep and the health of our vocal cords!)
Do we have a nurturing relationship with our mind too? For eg, are we kind to ourselves whenever we fail to hit a high note? Do we tell ourselves that we can be a work in progress and love our own voices too?
If regular water and sunshine are necessary for the best growth of a plant, are we supplying enough of what is required for our singing instrument to flourish and be at its best at all time?
T = Truth
The truth can refer to many aspects in singing.
Are we being authentic when we choose to sing in a certain way? Perhaps we like that style of singing when a certain singer sings it that way, but does it represent who we are in our innermost core?
What are we trying to prove? Are we trying too hard?
Is there a possibility that we are letting our ego take our singing down by insisting on singing the original key (which belongs to the original singer anyway!), OR NOT changing the key because we are scared to, or lazy to?
Is there any denial at all in all the choices we make for our singing instrument?
As we all know, the truth will set you free.