> 100 Short Videos + A Downloadable TextBook 
that explain about singing techniques rooted in classical singing techniques,
and still sounds POP for Top40s, R&B, Jazz, Rock, etc (applicable to all languages)!!

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Access to Basic, Intermediate, Advance Digital Singing Courses' Content

More than 100 short videos for access that explains singing techniques from basic to advance levels.

Downloadable TextBook

Get a downloadable textbook (> 200 pages) where you get information in a structured manner without having to browse through tons of video content!

Option To Upgrade

Upgrade to 'Live' Coaching anytime! (Click here)

Course Details

Suitable for anyone who wants to get an A-Z course on Singing Techniques!
Learn how to breathe and support correctly for singing, to belting!

📌 Structured Digital Courses from Foundation to Advanced Modules for Pop Singers. 

✅ Learn techniques in a sequential manner to get the basics right

📕 Downloadable TextBook (so you won’t have to browse through tons of videos to remember something! (200++ pages)

🤔 Post Burning Questions about Singing in Community Platform 

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SINGINGTECHNIQUES & SINGCHOLOGY Academy is led by Bevlyn K, who has > 20 years of teaching, performing and album releases and production internationally in English, Mandarin, French and Spanish. 

🥳 She teaches songs of any languages.

🌟 Join this premium academy for singing techniques and knowledge rooted in classical singing techniques (for Pop /R&B / Rock / Rap/ Jazz, etc), and still sound POP
❗️ Enroll now before next price increase!

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